gate of the prayer

  • 1 To be admitted to the Heavens from the gate of the prayer

    Abu Hurairah ( May Allah be pleased with him ) reported that the Messenger of Allah ( may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him ) said:

    "He who spends a pair in the way of Allah will be called from the gates of Jannah: 'O slave of Allah! This gate is better for you' and one who is constant in Salat (prayer), will be called from the Gate of Salat; and whoever is eager in fighting in the Cause of Allah, will be called from the Gate of Jihad; and who is regular in observing Saum will be called from Ar-Raiyan Gate. The one who is generous in charity will be called from the Gate of Charity." Abu Bakr ( May Allah be pleased with him ) said: "O Messenger of Allah! May my mother and father be sacrificed for you! Those who are called from these gates will stand in need of nothing. Will anybody be called from all of those gates?" He replied, "Yes, and I hope that you will be one of them."