Prophetic traditions

  • 1 To apply the Prophetic traditions pertaining to sleeping. This entails obtaining lots of rewards

    Farwah bin Nawfal quoted his father as saying that the Prophet ( may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him ) said to Nawfal (his father):

    Recite (the Surah) 'Say, O you disbelievers Quran 109' and then go to sleep at its end, for it is a declaration of freedom from polytheism.

    [ Sunan Abi Dawud ]

    Abu Hurairah ( May Allah be pleased with him ) reported: The Messenger of Allah ( may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him ) said,

    "When any of you goes to bed, he should shake off (or dust off) his bedsheet because he does not know what might have fallen on it after he had left it. Then he should recite: 'Bismika Rabbi wada'tu janbi, wa bika arfa'uhu, in amsakta nafsi farhamha, wa in arsaltaha fahfazha bima tahfazu bihi 'ibadakas-salihin [With Your Name, my Rubb, I place my side (upon the bed) and with Your Grace I will raise it up. If You withhold my soul (cause me to die), have mercy on it but if You let it go (let me live), guard it against which You guarded Your pious slaves]."'

    [ Al- Bukhari and Muslim ].

    Anas ( May Allah be pleased with him ) reported:

    Whenever the Prophet ( may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him ) went to his bed, he would say: "Al-hamdu lillah-illadhi at'amana wa saqana, wa kafana wa awana, fakam mimman la kafiya lahu wa la mu'wiya (Praise is due to Allah Who has fed us, provided us drink, satisfied us and gave us protection. Many are those who have no one to provide for them, or give them shelter)."

    [ Muslim ].

    Al-Bara' ( May Allah be pleased with him ) reported:

    Whenever we performed Salat behind the Messenger of Allah ( may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him ), we liked to be on his right side so that his face might turn towards us (at the end of the Salat). One day, I heard the Messenger of Allah (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him ) supplicating, "O my Lord! Shield me from Your Torment on the Day when You will gather (or said, 'resurrect') Your slaves."

    [ Muslim ].

    Abu Hurairah ( May Allah be pleased with him ) reported: Messenger of Allah ( may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him ) said,

    "If anyone sits in a gathering where he does not remember Allah, he will bring grief upon himself (on the Day of Resurrection), and he who lies down in a place where he does not remember Allah, will bring grief upon himself (on the Day of Resurrection)."

    [ Abu Dawud ].