1 Al-Fatiha-Second Intention
Abū Huraira ( May Allah be pleased with them ) said: When the Messenger of Allah ( may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him ) once asked Ubayy b. Ka'b how he recited in the course of the prayer and he recited Umm al- Qur’ān (Al-Qur’ān 1), he said,
“By Him in whose hand my soul is, nothing like it has been sent down in the Torah, the Injīl, the Zabūr, or the Qur’ān, and it is seven of the oft-repeated verses and the mighty Qur’ān (Qur’ān, 15:87) which I have been given.”
[ Tirmidhī ]
2 Al-Fatiha-First Intention
Ibn 'Abbas ( May Allah be pleased with them ) reported: While Jibril (Gabriel) was sitting with the Messenger of Allah ( may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him ), he heard a sound above him. He lifted his head and said:
"This is a gate which has been opened in heaven today. It was never opened before." Then an angel descended through it, he said: "This is an angel who has come down to earth. He never came down before." He sent greetings and said: "Rejoice with two lights given to you. Such lights were not given to any Prophet before you. These (lights) are: Fatihah-til-Kitab (Surat Al-Fatihah), and the concluding Ayat of Surat Al-Baqarah. You will never recite a word from them without being given the blessings it contains."
[ Muslim ]