testimony of the Angels

  • 1 To be included in the testimony of the Angels who witness and attend it

    ‘Amr bin ‘Abasa ( May Allah be pleased with him ) said:

    After the Prophet, may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, had gone to Medina I went there, and I visited him and said, “Tell me about the prayer.” He replied, “Observe the Morning Prayer, then stop praying when the sun is rising till it is fully up, for when it rises it comes up between the horns of the devil, and the infidels prostrate themselves to it at that time. Then pray, for the prayer is witnessed and angels are attendant at it, till the shadow becomes about the breadth of a lance;

  • 2 To obtain the testimony of the Angels

    Abu Huraira ( may Allah be pleased with him ) reported:

    The Messenger of Allah ( may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him ) said: The Angels take turns among you by night and by day, and they all assemble at the dawn and afternoon prayers. Those (of the angels) who spend the night among you, then, ascend, and their Lord asks them, though He is the best informed about them: How did you leave My servants? -they say: We left them while they were praying and we came to them while they were praying.

  • 3 To attain the testimony of the Angels

    Abu Huraira ( may Allah be pleased with him ) reported that

    the Messenger of Allah ( may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him ) said: “ Angels take turns among you by night and by day, and they all assemble at the dawn and afternoon prayers. Those (of the angels) who spend the night among you, then, ascend, and their Lord asks them, though He is the best informed about them: How did you leave My servants? -they say: We left them while they were praying and we came to them while they were praying”.